The first beta version of iOS 14.5 was announced yesterday, February 1st 2021. Along with the long-awaited Face ID update, many notable features were added. This release is significant because it marks the deadline for developers to update their apps to comply with Apple’s App Tracking Transparency rules, a major feature of iOS 14.
What are the major features coming up with iOS 14.5? Should you be excited? We explain the top 5 features coming with iOS 14.5 Beta 1 which you must keep a note of.
Face ID with a mask
The inconveniences of Face ID not working with masks made a lot of people miss the old days of Touch ID. However, the new iOS 14.5 release now allows you to unlock your iPhone while wearing a face mask — provided you have an Apple Watch running watchOS 7.4 or above. If your Apple Watch is protected by a passcode, currently unlocked and on your wrist, your iPhone will unlock automatically if Face ID detects a mask.
This feature is restricted to just the lock screen. App Store and Apple Pay purchases, and any other app which uses Face ID authentication will still require a full facial scan.
This feature also brings additional controls on the Apple Watch. You can press a button to unlock/lock your iPhone from your wrist.
To enable this feature, follow the upcoming steps:
1. Open Settings.
2. Go to Face ID & Passcode.
3. Turn ON the Unlock with Apple Watch Toggle.
Albeit a little less secure, this feature will be appreciated by many.
Global Dual-SIM 5G support for iPhone 12
If you have the latest 5G iPhone 12 models and are using two SIM cards, iOS 14.5 brings global support for 5G in Dual-Sim mode. This feature allows the iPhone 12 range to receive 5G signals on both SIM cards.
When the iPhone 12 was released, 5G compatibility on both SIM’s was only available in China. Now iPhone 12 users can enjoy blazing-fast speeds on both lines, but at the cost of increased battery usage.
AirPlay 2 now compatible with Apple Fitness+
Apple Fitness+, the tech-giant’s new fitness subscription service will allow users to stream their workouts to AirPlay 2 compatible devices with iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5.
AirPlay 2 was released in June 2018. Since then, many manufacturers like Samsung, LG, Sony, Bose, and Roku have made their home devices support AirPlay 2.
At the moment, only the workout is streamed to the receiving device. Workout metrics like Activity rings and calories still show up on the iPhone or iPad. This could perhaps be addressed in future beta releases.
PS5 and Xbox Series X Controller Support for iPhone and iPad
With the recent releases of the Sony PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5 now support the both the new PS5 DualSense and Xbox controllers.
Through Bluetooth, users will be able to use their controllers to play games on iPhone and iPad. It is rumoured that this feature will also be added to the Apple TV in the near future.
Apple App Tracking Transparency
iOS 14.5 will require developers to ask user’s to agree or disagree with their tracking policies. App Tracking Transparency was introduced with iOS 14, but developers had a deadline until the release of the beta versions of iOS 14.5.
Facebook, who fears that many users will choose to opt out of tracking publicly criticised this feature. However, as with all other developers, they will have to comply with Apple with this new update, which will start to see a widespread adoption of the App Tracking Transparency feature.
Which Feature am I most excited to use?
I am looking forward using the Face ID with Mask feature. As we are slowly opening up in many parts of the world, I believe not having to remove my mask to unlock my phone, would be a great deal to further reduce the risk of spreading or getting the virus. I am sure this feature will greatly help many iPhone users in higher covid-19 risky areas.
Your Turn!
iOS 13.5 was released on the 20th May last year, which leads us to expect the release date of iOS 14.5 to be around the same time. As ever though, you can join the Apple Beta Software Program to get your hands on iOS 14.5 today.
In the end, we would love to hear from you. Which feature are you most excited for? Will you be willing to update to iOS 14.5? Please, et us know in the comment section below!