Google for some reason seems to be failing around the Balkan area. Google takes a while to process a query request while YouTube cuts the connection after around 10 - 20 seconds.
According to DownDetector , more than 100 of reports are being generated around the Balkan and Minor Asian Coutnries. These include Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, North Macedonia, Cyprus, Serbia and more.
Many people from these countries complaining that every Google service is failing or down, by posting comments on DownDetector. Definitely, you are not alone!
What can I do?
No one likes waiting right? We suggest you to use DuckDuckGo for now or if you have a paid VPN service, you may use VPN to North America such as US and Canada or western Europe like Germany France and UK. Despite that, Google services may still be down for the next 30 minutes.
Are you affected? Let us know by dropping a comment down.